Amazing. There has to be more to this skepticgate thing than the stuff that Steve M's commented on so far, otherwise this Mashey character has been simply wasting his life...
Willis is great. Always a pleasure. In Australian politics the Democrat party has a slogan... 'Keeping the Bastards Honest'. That's Willis.
PS, did you see the post at WUWT on the geo-engineering approach to cooling the globe that proposes creating bubbles in sea water to act as tiny mirrors?
Of course, Willis had a very straight forward answer for all this...
PS, Zeug. Yep, you called it. I'm not in the habit of sending PM's, I just find it easier to post directly on the forum. I'll try and cut back on too much idle chatter.
Yep. I was going to write as a PS how much I've been enjoying Tom's posts of late.
Heh. For some strange reason I haven't run into him much at all, apart from recently. He did leave one hilarious comment under one of Keith's articles, the 'Keith Kloor Action Figure' one. He gets a certain amount of respect from me simply by that one post!
Yeah, I dunno. He seems let down by people posting at Keiths. I don't know how much that feeling ties directly to your post. It didn't read to me that you were targeting anyone in particular, and it was a good point. I wish more people would heed your words, Sam! (edit: I guess there's not point in denying it, Anthony has had a few slips in quality lately. There's not much you can really do when he goes and runs an article on 'the bias of liberal media'. Ouch.).
I feel tired thinking about this. (edit: that would be hilarious though)
PS, I'm a little disappointed in Keith atm, and his handling of Watts on this story. I have to say it feels very much as though Keith's looking to forge a place for himself in some brave new unclaimed middleground here, as a shining beacon of balance and reason- but it all feels very artificial to me. He's simply waiting for Anthony to trip up, there's no leeway or goodwill there at all. Disappointing because I could have seen them in cooperation rather than as enemies, but I can see that this is the way Keith wants it. He needs to be enemies with Anthony, as with Romm- but his reasoning is bogus. I'm not simply going to disagree with Romm for being Romm, or Anthony for being Anthony. Attack the argument, not the person- as we often say. Your post on CAS about tribalism not being a badge of honour, I totally agree with. Keith seems to not want to recognise that WUWT has always had an open door policy towards other sides of the argument, it is hardly Anthony's fault that there have been very few takers willing to argue things away from the comforts of a home crowd. That's just the way it's been. Hopefully Keith can help set this stage now, but Anthony really got there first, imo. It was simply an unused service.
If you like moustaches, and homophobia I guess. (edit: ok I see now, Turkey according to gay men)
PS, Turkish men are actually really quite cuddly with each other; being an Aussie around Turkish men you can feel pretty uncomfortable, but it's just the culture. It's all very touchy feely.
I've also got a game plan in the works, but no time to get into it. It's a blocky pixel art type platformer along the lines of Terry Cavanagh's VVVVVV, but done in a very particular oriental rug kind of style. I'm actually thinking of getting in touch with Terry sometime to see if he might be interested in working on this, because all I have really at the moment is the art style, and a bit of mucking around in Gamemaker with movement, etc. All style, no substance
Hey Taavi, if you're into old cameras/lenses, check out this stuff by my friend, Timur Civan. He's using a 100 year old lens and getting some really amazing shots with it...
My basic motive here is that I'm prepared to accept reasonableness when it is shown. There was no way that this was going to resolved the way things were headed, so I simply offered the peace pipe. What Tim does next, if anything- will be instructive. I don't know him apart from what I've seen recently, so I'm quite prepared to give him the benefit of doubt, but I heavily suspect that you are right here.
I don't understand how people like Tim cannot see that this is hurting 'their cause'. Lazar was correct the point out that environmentalists are just getting pissed off by being treated in this way, I was certainly not the only one.
PS- people obviously plainly see that Tim misread my posts. He hasn't apologised for that, but perhaps the space is now set where he can. Let's find out!
"The ones who have approved this are so deep in their cause that they have lost touch"
Hi Phil. Yeah, it's pretty out there. I've said on other blogs that the only way that something like this could have actually happened is through an extreme case of groupthink.
Yet on reflection this also seems to be a wrong reading. Franny Armstrong the producer- said to the media recently that there was only '4 years to stabilise the climate system' or words to that effect. Thinking on this, one might really excuse Franny from any allegations of groupthink whatsoever, as I've actually never heard anybody say that before. This may be original thinking here.
PS, here are some threads on this film which I have been involved with over the past days. Some interesting discussion in there.
Finally, I think the best kind of foil or pairing for this video is a short one by a Doctor Bronowski, from the BBS series, Ascent Of Man. It ties in very fittingly with the messages on display in the 10:10 film. This guy is great.